Mielasta galdsKitchen  


Ladies Auxiliary

The Apostle Paul likens the christian community to a body with many parts. Such is our ladies auxiliary. We are truly blessed to have such a wonderful group of very talented ladies, who despite their average age, achieve wonderful things. Each one has different gifts and talents, and working together, they function like a well oiled machine.

Table with foodOn Sundays, the ladies decorate the altar in the Church and also serve refreshments after the Service. Parishioners, gather in the hall after Service, for a wonderful time of fellowship. They are treated with latvian style home baked pastries and other delights. On occasions when there is a talk or Bible study, the ladies serve pancakes or soup.

Our ladies also ensure the hall is always well kept and beautifully presented. There is always a warm and friendly atmosphere no matter what the occasion.

In conjunction with the Church Council, the ladies organise the annual Garden Festival as well as Harvest Festival. These are major fund raising events, and much hard work is put into these functions.

For those who so desire, catering is available for funerals and also other occasions, at very reasonable prices.


           We thank our Heavenly Father for our wonderful ladies!


